Thursday, April 22, 2010

For Shannon by request

Often times in the Robert's household we stop our day to take a dance break. This usually means Cambry has requested her favorite song "Low" (yes, I know I'm a bad mom) and wants to shake what her mama gave her. I dance with her while holding Colbie - who will probably try to set up a secret videotape one day to turn me in to CPS for Shaken Baby Syndrome. I think dancing is one of Cambry's favorite activities and she is pretty great at it, and not shy to share her moves with others. When bible study is held at our house she has no fear of dancing in the middle of a circle of adults who are all just standing around being entertained by our little entertainer. She changes up her dance moves frequently, so I captured what I could this time and I think I caught some pretty good ones. Please excuse the shaky video camera as I was laughing while taping. Enjoy.


  1. This is so stinkin' hilarious! She is the cutest little dancer. Maybe we will see her on So You Think You Can Dance someday :)

  2. YES!!!!! Finally a video with some killer dance moves!!!! Thank you so much for posting this. It has literally made my day.

    Next step, coming over to hang out so I can see these awesome moves in person. :)

  3. Oh I didn't want it to stop!!! Girl has some mad skillz, just like Mommy :)

  4. Gabe loves it!! He has us rewatch it a couple times. He is working on his own killer moves.
