Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cambry counting

I think of my blog as an online baby book for the girls.  I love looking back at old posts and seeing how they are growing and changing.  For Cambry I haven't been keeping track of what she should be doing for her age I just let her grow and learn as she pleases.  She is now counting to ten and maybe this is normal, but because she is so little and I don't know what the books say she "should" be doing, I feel like she is one smart cookie.  Here is a little video of her and Drew counting to ten together.          


  1. Love love love it!!! And of course, she's a genius!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Drew did a great job, but Cambry kept giving him all of the answers. Big Cheater, Drewski!

  3. Smarty pants Cambry!!! She's totally a smart little cookie, just like her momma! And, Andrew is hilarious... "six!" :)
