We also made a chart to track her progress and success. We started on Tuesday and she hasn't worn a diaper since! (Except for when she sleeps I don't even know how to go there) At the end of day one she had 6 pees and 1 poop on the potty and no accidents! Amazing.
There was one accident and it was hilarious. Day two she was struggling to poo on the pot. A little scared and she kept telling me she had to potty, but nothing was coming out but toots. At least she was trying. Well, I had to take a break to feed Colbie and Cambry secretly went into her play room. I heard "Uh Oh Potty!!" I walked in to see two turds on the floor. No big deal. The best part was her reaction. She said to her poo " Um, hey guys I'm Cambry. C-A-M-B-R-Y. You guys wanna go watch a movie?" What?!!! I lost it and almost peed my pants which would have been a horrible example for this week. She was really ready to embrace these poops as friends. I love that girl and her ability to love ANYTHING!
I think the biggest key to her success was that she was ready. I know it's different for every kid when they will be ready, but I think it can be really positive experience. I also think Cambry just kind of rocks.
Cambry, you have done an amazing job this week. You continue to blow my mind with what you are capable of. Child, you can do anything you can put your mind to. I love you, and thank you for a fun week of quality time, great memories and NO DIAPERS! Yeah girl!!!!!