Thursday, March 15, 2012

Say What?

Never a dull moment around here. Here are some I'd like to remember:

Me: "Colbie, I think you are going to be the star at ballet!"
Colbs: "No, I think I'll be the heart." (which was kind of true, she has more heart when she dances than any kid I know!)

Me: "Do you remember our bible verse?"
Colbs: "With God, all things are popsicle."

Colbie: "God is in my heart."
Me: "Yes He is Colbie!"
Colbie: "Not in my boobies, or my bellybutton. No, only in my heart."

We had just gone over the story of Adam and Eve and the serpent.
Cambry: "So is Satan a snake or a man?"
Me: "Well, he can change forms. In this story he was a snake."
Cambry: "Oh so he could be a reindeer, or Santa, or a hamburger, or undies, or a dolphin, or teeth if he wanted to be?"

I also have a very random moment that happened this morning. I had been reading my bible in my closet (sounds weird, but it's quiet in there) before the girls got up. I read Philippians 3 and 4. Whenever I find a good verse for the girls to memorize I write it on the last page of my journal. I came across Philippians 4:13 and thought I should put that on my list. Cambry was in our bed asleep but I heard her wake up and say "Mommy, can you come lay with me?" I was done reading my bible so I left it in my closet, but had a few more thoughts to jot down in my journal so I took it to bed with me to finish. I laid next to Cambry and scratched her back for a minute then began to open my journal and finish. I had it open to the page where I was writing my prayers, but not the back page where I had written the verse that page was completely covered. Cambry was facing the other way and asked me how my time was reading my bible. She asked if I was reading Philippians. (She has a crazy memory so I'm assuming since yesterday I read Philippians 1 and 2 I must have told her that the day before.) I said yes I read Philippians. THEN, she said "Did you read Philippians 4:13? We should read that." What???! I shut my journal, rolled her over, and grilled her on how she new that. She didn't even have an answer, and she didn't know what the verse said. I've thought about it all day. It is now our verse for this week, and maybe for life!
Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

1 comment:

  1. I just got goosebumps. REALLY??!! All things ARE possible! That's crazy!!
